How to Bookmark Instagram Photo and Video posts.


Everything you needed to know about saving Instagram posts.

You would agree that Instagram is one of the most effective and efficient social media platforms. This is because it has gained and sustained increasing popularity, especially among younger audiences. Just like other platforms, Instagram continually introduces new features, and this is why it has been able to sustain its popularity. Also, such features are introduced to allow for a better experience while using the network.
The latest addition to its list of features which occurred about a month ago (December 2016) enables users to bookmark images and videos they want. This feature is open to all iOS and Android users. The fact that it is now possible to save pictures on Instagram has significant advantages especially for marketers using this platform. This feature just like others makes the network a lot more attractive and efficient too.

About Instagram bookmarks

instagram-bookmarkThe update is quite simple. With the Instagram bookmark, any user can bookmark any existing post on the network for future purposes. When that is done, instead of such posts disappearing into the news feed, they will be saved into a new special page on the user’s Instagram account. This new page can be tagged “saved.”
One great thing about bookmarking is that it is not a public activity. This means that only the user can see that a picture, video or post has been bookmarked. This goes a long way to account for privacy for the users. Also, only users can gain access to the secure page where the bookmarked posts are stored. This feature will allow you to quickly revisit any interesting or bookmarked post in the future without having to search for it in your news feed. This will go a long way to improving your experience on the network.

Benefits of Bookmarking

For users, this feature will improve your general experience with the network. It would mean a lot more to marketers as it will form a crucial part in building a better presence on Instagram. There are a lot of ways to accomplish this, but let’s state a few.
Keeping track of social media influencers: Saving pictures on Instagram will allow you to capture influential moments that you can take advantage of when the need arises. For instance, when you bookmark an image that was posted by an influencer, you can engage with it to take advantage of the influencers crowd. Bookmarked posts will also gain more and get more views over time as people watch the video over and over again.
Create and enhance your content calendar: For maximum engagement, marketers would need to post more than once a day on Instagram. Hence, finding relevant information daily may soon become a hassle. Bookmarking will allow you to accumulate and find relevant content easily.
Build a long lasting brand presence: Since your audience will be able to bookmark your posts, you would have a longer lasting brand presence. Do not underestimate this because it would have a longer lasting impact than the otherwise short life span of your regular Instagram posts.
IG has taken a page out of Pinterests playbook by copying their saving feature. You can read more about the similarities of Pinterest and Instagrams latest features by visiting here:


Instagram bookmarks also have long-term benefits and are not just a ‘cool’ new feature. This is an indication that Instagram is willing to innovative to stay relevant to its users. This is of course through its parent company, Facebook. In a nutshell, being able to save pictures on Instagram is more than just a new exciting feature for users but also a potentially useful tool for marketers. So if you want to invest your resources in long lasting media that can reliably reach your audience even in years to come, Instagram bookmarking is the latest product in this light. To learn more about building a brand presence on the Instagram network, contact us.

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